Monday, 15 September 2014

Inside analysed

Camra angles
Establishing shot is used to show the introduction of the cabin house 

Close up shot was used on the girls face to show the facial reaction she had when seeing the cabin house 

Over the shoulder shot was used when the girl was looking at the dark room on top of the stairs 

A canted shot is used when the girl is ready to pass out, this is to show the unstableness of her 
A handheld camra shot was done for this unsteady effect 

First person POV shot of the floor was used to show the girls point of view

Birds eye view shot was used when the girl is passed out on the floor 

Closed up shot of the blade in the girls hand is used 


Non diagetic sounds of a sweet tune at the start of the film, this is done to make it seem like the film is soft

Other non diagetic sounds like the camra clicks and zooms and the birds are used

There is very little speech is used in the film, the speech used is from the girl saying "hello?" "Is anyone here?"

When the girl wakes up to find she had been cut open, a happy song from a record player starts playing this is used in a dramatic scene because it makes the scene more weird and scary at the same time 

Mise en scene 

Props used in the film are 
The camra, bottle of drugged water, blade and knife 

The setting is a typical abandoned cabin House in the woods this setting creates a scary mood however because it is set in the daytime the film had high key lighting this helps the scariness become unexpected 

There was a jumpcut when the girls at the front door it jumpcut to the girl entering the cabin house 

1 comment:

  1. Shamil, you have identified key features used, but it is not enough to just identify them. You need to consider why they have been used and what effects they achieve.
    It would really help if you could use screen shots so we could see which frame you were commenting on.
    In addition to this, you need to consider narrative - the plot structure.
    You also need to consider character types and how they are represented.
    You will need to closely analyse more than one film.
    You also need to ensure you are evaluating more regularly. As yet there is no evidence of any evaluation of your research. what have you learnt and how will this help you?
    I'm also disappointed that there is still no evidence of audience research or institution research.
    Come on please, get this up to date!
