Sunday, 26 April 2015

Double page film review final

double page film Review plan

film review research

film review research

Film review analysis


Feed back on Ominous final

I have received positive feedback for the final draft of the movie. The improvements were a sucess

survey for final film

Survey Maker

Ominous final

From the feeback i received the movie has been improved greatly with more jump scares, camera angles and sound effects. these were the areas my feedback said we needed to improve on

Ominous draft feedback results

Feed back on ominous draft

Survey Maker

Ominous second draft

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Ominous poster

I created my poster on Adobe Photoshop. I used Photoshop because i felt this was the most appropitae software to used to make my poster, i also i have had past experiences with Photoshop which i knew would help me.

The shows a the mirror scare scene from the movie. I used this scene for my main image because i feel its the most scariest scene in the film and would look scary for  poster.
I used Photoshop to change the contrast and brightness to create a dull dark filter for the image, this was done to create a more dark scary vibe. I then make the ghost more lighter to maker it slightly more noticeable. I did this to catch the audiences attention and also give them a slight scare.

Ominious first draft

Horror film poster research

Horror film poster analysis link

Thursday, 26 February 2015


The Name

The name Ominous was chosen for the Film for its dark meaning. Ominous is the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen.threateningly, inauspicious and portending evil or harm.

The Plot

Ominous is about a group of six former friends  that come come back to the empty school in the evening for extra studying. While talking about the history of the school the one of the friends lets out the truth behind the school and its hauntings. They find out about a family that died within the school area and hear that the ghost of the young daughter still haunghts the school. One of teens are then faced with escaping the school form the demon girl.